Brands need action

During CUNA’s Marketing Management School’s Year Two course, Matt Purvis, president of Purvis Management, lead a session about brand management. As Purvis noted, “With branding, action is the key.” Purvis defined branding as “the sum of thoughts and feelings about the organization.”

Consumers receive 4,000 advertising messages a day. Since brands exist in the minds of consumers, the objective with branding is to get in the minds of consumers. And that takes action.

So how do you get your brand to the action level? Purvis outlined his trademarked “brand animation” process. It’s a five-step process that emphasizes brand training over sales training.

“Differentiation is the key to branding,” Purvis says. His brand animation’s five-step process is:

(1)    Discovery—Purvis asks, “what is your brand designed to mean?”  In this opening step you examine your mission/vision statements, brand positioning, brand promises and service-level agreements.

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