Do I have to call it nepotism?

It was a good day at work.

by: Josh Streufert

I’ve written before about why I love producing radio. Now I can add one more reason to the list — a precocious, seven-year old, all-pink, all-attitude, talented little voice actress named Gretta. And if you can’t tell from the photos, she also happens to be my daughter.

Believe it or not, nepotism isn’t really my bag. I care too much about delivering a quality product to my clients to risk mucking it up with someone who can’t hack it. Especially if that someone shares my last name.

But with that said, I must admit, it was a great opportunity for me. After all, how many of us get a chance to work with our kids professionally? For me, this opportunity began with our great clients over at Redwood Credit Union.

For months, Weber Marketing Group has been working to help Redwood articulate its brand. And recently we helped them launch a new campaign that featured a radio spot centered around a dad teaching his daughter how to ride a bike.

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