Don’t worry about everything…just worry about today

by. Anthony Demangone

“How did you approach it,” I asked him.

I was speaking with a colleague years ago who had been promoted to vice president. One of his new responsibilities included IT. He didn’t have any IT in his background.

I remember that he picked up on things very well. You’d never know that he didn’t have an IT background. So I wanted to know his secret.

Let me paraphrase what he said.

“I didn’t worry about everything in IT. I focused on each new issue that came down the pike, and I learned everything I could about that issue. Within six months, I pretty much seemed to be up to speed.”

It was great advice. Many of us will confront a new role that pushes something new and unknown onto our plate. It could be IT, or regulatory compliance, or legislation, HR or capital issues. How in the world are you supposed to learn everything you need to know?

Well, don’t worry about everything. Worry about today. And stick with it.

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