Go make a difference

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the confirmation of my grandson Christopher. Milestones in a young person’s life are very important and ones which involve a person’s faith are even more so.

The ceremony was beautiful. The presiding Bishop, the most reverend Francis Kane, eloquently spoke to the 127 conferments as a group and individually as he administered the sacrament to each of them.

The ceremony was filled with prayer and song and it was the words of one those songs that I thought were most inspiring and held true for not only the young people in attendance, but for everyone.

The title of the song is Go Make a Difference. It is uplifting, energizing and true.

“Go make a difference. We can make a difference. Go make a difference in the world”.

“We are the light of the world, not to be hidden but to be seen. Go make a difference in the world. We are the spirit of hope, we are the voice of peace. Go make a difference in the world”.

Having been involved with credit unions in some way my entire professional life; I find that I relate events life events to the industry and with the people in it. I do so because I have always felt that the people who work in credit unions every day are some of the most dedicated in the financial services industry. They are people who continually make a difference in others lives.

Whenever a member enters their credit union they do so with the belief that they will be given outstanding service and shown individual attention to whatever their needs are. It is important that the staff at that credit union that must realize that how they treat their members, the service that they give them, the advice that they provide and the experience of the visit can forever make a difference in that member’s life.

The message I believe that was conveyed in the words of that song, to my grandson, the other young adults who were there with him, everyone else in attendance along with everyone who reads them, is one of hope and confidence. A message to inspire and make one realize that everyone, people in all walks of life, can make a difference. The light that you bring to your life and to others must shine and not be hidden. Everyone has the ability, by their actions and deeds, to have a lasting impact on everyone who surrounds or comes in contact with them.

Never doubt your abilities or potential to make a difference.

You can make a difference.

Go make a difference.

Michael Fryzel

Michael Fryzel

Michael Fryzel is the former Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration and is now a financial services consultant and government affairs attorney in Chicago. He can be reached at ... Details