Habits of a top 200 originator – Part 2

Recently I’ve been writing about top originators and their habits. Another top originator is Andi Williams from Fort Knox Federal Credit Union in Kentucky. Her Credit Union has about 80,000 members and over $1 billion in assets.

Andi ranked as the 33rd highest originator in 2013. She was memberlicious 346 times providing $54 million in home loans. I asked Andi to share her secrets of success for her and her Credit Union….

1. Measure – the CU knows turn time is critical to members and Realtors so they spend a lot of time monitoring and measuring their turn time. They also measure a variety of other aspects of their business to keep a close eye on how the Credit Union is helping members.

2. Communicate – make sure you have strong lines of communications with Realtors and borrowers. Be open and honest. Don’t hide bad news. Don’t use jargon. Make sure the member and the Realtor understand what you need to get the deal closed.

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