Tips for a smooth, cost-effective EMV implementation

by: Brandon Kuehl

As with any new technology, there are upfront expenses and procedures that must be considered when transitioning to EMV chip cards. A recent Credit Union Times article shares five time – and cost-saving tips to help make a financial institution’s (FI’s) EMV chip card implementation process a little smoother and more cost-effective.

  1. Smart design — It’s important to ensure the location of the EMV chip works well with the design of your card during early drafting stages. Work with your card manufacturer to acquire an EMV chip card plastic design template that’s compatible with your customized card layout.
  2. Tackle credit first — Industry wide, debit cards are far behind their credit counterparts in the U.S. EMV conversion race. Plus, most FIs have fewer credit cards than debit cards, making it easier to tackle first.
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