16 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves

By. Matt Monge

Just between you and the mirror…

1. Are you more motivated mostly by the drive to capture success or by a desire to serve others?

2. Do you use your grasp of internal politics as a weapon to get what you want? Or are you sensitive to the human dynamics at play in the organization, but work toward collaborative, empowering solutions that appeal to shared goals, values, and visions?

3. Do you rely completely on facts, logic, and proof? Or do you use intuition and foresight–gut and instinct–to balance those things?

4. Do you control information, knowing it makes you more valuable? Or do you freely and generously share your knowledge and know-how?

5. Are you highly competitive, independent, and primarily interested in the spotlight? Or are you more concerned about working closely with others, allowing yourself to be interdependent, and deflecting praise when it comes your way?

6. Do you place an over-emphasis on speed and fast action? Or do you focus on gaining understanding; adapting to organizational environments; and balancing the need for progress with the need for appropriate buy-in, input, and decentralized decision-making?

7. Do you spend more time telling or listening?

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