3 bad habits to break if you want to keep more money in the bank

Even if you’re doing a good job of saving money, you probably didn’t start as early as you wish you had. If you’re still overspending your budget, there are probably some bad habits you need to break. Here are a few things you should stop doing to save more money.

Waiting for a bigger paycheck before you start investing

We’ve all probably thought about the things we would be able to do if we made more money. Some of these things make sense, but others are just plain wrong. Investing in your future is something you never put on hold. Thanks to compound interest, you have a great way to prepare for retirement, and the earlier you start, the better.

Not paying attention to spending habits

If you don’t clearly know where your money is going, you definitely have a spending problem. You should keep track of every dime you spend, so you can find out ways to cut back and save.

Dipping into savings

Whether it’s a retirement account or an emergency fund, leave it alone. If you take money from your IRA, you’ll suffer penalties and taxes and it’ll damage the progress you’ve made with your compound interest. If you take from your emergency fund, you’ll be hurting when that emergency arises. Keep this in mind before you upset all that you’ve put away.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details