3 phrases leaders can’t overuse

Every leader wants to be a good one. In order to be the leader that your team needs you to be, you need to connect with them. Here are three phrases you should use often, if you want to gain your team’s trust and respect…

“What do you think?”: Ask your team for ideas and opinions and you’ll gain trust, while making them feel valued. Often, you may get a good response from someone who thinks a lot differently than you, and that’s not always a bad thing.

“How can I help?”: When you show a desire to help your team succeed, they’ll appreciate you for that. By giving your team the tools and assistance they need, you’ll be able to get the most productivity out of them, and that’s good for everyone.

“That’s my fault.”: It’s not always easy to admit mistakes when you’re the boss. But when you do, you’ll definitely be respected for it. Next time you know you’re at fault, you’ll easily impress your team if you can be humble enough to say so.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details