3 reasons you should retire early

A few years ago, I talked about reasons you shouldn’t retire early. Let’s take a look at the other side of the argument. Other than the desire to sit on a hill overlooking the ocean at sunset (actually, you and your spouse can get matching tubs that overlook the ocean now, you don’t have to wait for retirement), what are some good reasons to retire early? If you’re looking for some justification to take the plunge into retirement now and not wait “a few more years”, here are three reasons you should go for it…

You can afford to: If you’ve sacrificed a lot over the years in order to be able to afford a nice retirement, you may find yourself in better shape than you could have ever hoped for as you’re approaching your retirement years. If the money is there and there’s no real financial reason to keep working, why not go ahead and trade those penny loafers in for a shiny new pair of crispy boi’s?

It’s more fun when you’re young: You may dream of traveling the world when you retire, but if you wait until you’re 70-ish, those trip itineraries better include time for naps. Hell, I’m not quite 40 and I’d probably need naps if I was traveling the world. The point is, why not enjoy retirement while you’re a little younger and still have the energy to do all of those things you’ve dreamed of.

You can catch up on all you’ve missed: Whether it’s planting some new flowers in your yard, going to your grandson’s baseball games, or binging all 65 seasons of NCIS, there may be some stuff you’ve been wanting to do. You’ve worked hard for a long time, and now it’s time for you to take some time for yourself. If you can retire early, do it. I triple dog dare you.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details