3 simple ways to improve office relationships

Are your work relationships struggling? It’s not always easy to keep relationships thriving at the office. If you’d like to improve yours, here are a few easy tips.

Be respectful

Always say please and thank you. Something small can go a long way when it comes to respect. You’ll never get respect if you don’t give it. Keep this in mind throughout your day.

Be thankful

Give a shout-out if someone helps you out, but even if an action doesn’t directly affect you, don’t be scared to point out when someone is being awesome. People like being recognized when they’re doing good work, and they’ll appreciate you for saying it.

Make an effort

Sometimes we focus too much on our work and our office relationships can suffer because of it. Make an effort to connect, even if it’s just occasionally hanging out at lunch. We’re all busy, but try and make a little time for others every day.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details