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Member experience

3 steps to a better credit union homepage


by: Jared Miller

We say it all the time to credit unions: your website is your biggest branch. Mobile applications might be taking that place for some, but the website is still a big part how your members interact with your company. That means you can’t afford not to invest in developing, maintaining, and updating your site.

Websites have been around for a long time and have evolved in so many ways. The biggest change to web design and development in the past 10 years is how savvy users have become. Consumers quickly understand how to use a website that has a clean architecture and can equally quickly identify (and bounce away from) sites that don’t have a strong user-interface.

We’ve looked at hundreds of credit union websites in the last 24 months and we’ve noticed a common theme. Many credit unions overload their homepage out of fear that the user won’t find what they’re looking for. Instead of having the desired effect, this actually creates a frustrating experience for users. Here's an example of what that might look like:

Jordan Rumsey