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3 steps to building a solid credit union digital marketing strategy


by. James Robert Lay

Recently Ron Shevlin asked for a digital "bridge to the new world view -a map of 'how to get there from here.'" I agree this is a much better approach than, in Ron's words, preaching "the world has changed and you better change or get left behind."

So with that being said, allow me to share my thoughts of what this bridge, or map, should look like for your bank or credit union looking to build a solid digital marketing strategy.

You may or may not agree with the clinical approach I recommend. But I believe that for bank and credit union marketers to be taken seriously by their peer executives, we must start operating more scientifically.

Pretty pictures, fancy videos and witty headlines will only do so much.

Another Day. Another Meeting. There has to be a better way.

A few months ago, I attended a meeting where members from the marketing, operations, IT and lending departments debated on what specific promotions should be on their financial institution’s home page.

John Pettit