3 ways to save during wedding season

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. That’s right everyone: It’s wedding season! To some this is a dreaded side effect of their favorite time of year, but to others it’s something they’ve looked forward to since wintertime. One thing is for sure: a busy wedding season can be downright expensive. If you plan on attending numerous weddings this year, here are a few ways you can save a few bucks.

Buy your gift early

When it comes to wedding registries, we’ve all seen those items that made us think, “Who in the world can afford to buy them that?” You want to make sure those items aren’t the only ones left when you head down to Bed Bath & Beyond. Check out that list as soon as you know it’s available, so you can be sure and secure a gift that’s both awesome and affordable.

Prioritize your invites

If your sister is getting married 30 minutes down the road, you’re obviously going to attend that wedding. If she’s getting married on the opposite coast, let’s be honest, you’re going to find a way to go. But if it’s your cousin getting remarried 3000 miles away, you may want to send an awesome gift and just stay home. Unless every wedding this year is taking place in the town you live in, you may have to make some tough choices so you can spend less money.

Make it a group activity

If you’re traveling for a college friend’s wedding, you probably have other friends that are going as well. If this is the case, plan ahead. If the wedding destination is drivable and others live close to you, carpool and split that gas bill as many ways as possible. Look for a place to stay on Airbnb that can house you and all your friends who will be in attendance. Nothing like a little reunion party while everyone is together!

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details