3 ways successful people start their week off right

Weekends are fantastic, and hopefully your job is as well. But even if your job is great, it can be hard to switch gears when the weekend comes to a close. Here are a few ways you can start your work week off right and keep it on the path to awesomeness.

Get in a routine: If you don’t follow a work routine, Monday morning is the perfect time to start one. When your wake-up, breakfast, and commute are all on a schedule, you’ll have a productive and energetic start to your day. Your snooze button might be extra attractive after a busy weekend, but being rushed will only lead to being unprepared. Starting your morning off on the wrong foot is the perfect way to ruin your day.

Get your blood flowing: We’ve talked before about the benefits of exercise, so hit the gym in the morning if you can. A good workout can improve brain function and give you more energy, not to mention improve the quality of your sleep. Starting your week by providing your body these benefits can catapult you down a road to personal and professional success. Don’t deny yourself this opportunity.

Get in early: As easy as it sounds, an extra half hour on Monday morning is a great way for you to get your bearings and asses your to-do list before your life is invaded by emails and requests from co-workers or customers. Think of it as a race. If a race starts at 8 am, you’re not showing up at 7:58, slapping a number on your chest, and taking off for the finish line. You’d be much better off if you leave yourself enough time to stretch and mentally focus. Being early to work allows you to prepare for the week ahead so you’re not playing catch-up all day.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor at CUInsight.com, where he ensures that the credit union community receives consistent, insightful, and timely updates. Through community articles, syndicated content, and original ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details