3 ways to be a more likable coworker

Everyone likes being liked. Are you a shy, quiet person who just kind of co-exists in the office? Are you negative and generally disliked? Are you the unknown new person? Whatever your situation, here are some tips that can make you the one everyone loves to be around when they’re at the office.

Listen more: If you enjoy talking more than you like listening, you may not be anyone’s favorite.  The truth is, sometimes your coworker may just need to get something off their chest. They may not be looking for feedback, just someone who will quietly hear what they have to say. If you can do this successfully, you’ll be popular.

Gossip less: Gossiping will always be part of an office culture. Make sure you don’t get a reputation for talking negatively about coworkers behind their backs. Those kinds of things always seem to come back around, so earn a reputation for not engaging in those types of conversations.

Smile more: Be known as the person who’s always smiling, who tells jokes, and doesn’t try to bring others down. Coworkers appreciate an optimist who constantly tries to turn around office negativity. Your coworkers will like you for being a bright spot during stressful or frustrating times.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details