3 ways to develop internal talent

Bringing a new employee on board is a big investment, not only from a salary and benefits perspective, but also the time commitment to train them and get them up to speed on their responsibilities and your organization’s culture.

When a position – or need within the company – opens up, it might make sense to look internally first to see if you currently have an employee who could fill the gap. Even if an individual doesn’t have the necessary talent at that moment, do they have the potential?

Entrepreneur Jessica Thiefels shares three ways leaders can develop talent among current employees:

  1. Implement reskilling and upskilling. Teaching an employee new skills for a different job or helping them hone ones they already have is a great way to increase your company’s productivity. It’s also part of practicing servant leadership. By investing in your employees’ development, you demonstrate that you care about them and their future.


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