3 ways you’re sabotaging your own success

When it comes to reaching our career goals, we can often be our own worst enemy. We can blame others for standing in the way, but the truth is many of our own common habits are preventing us from reaching our objectives. Consider these three ways you are sabotaging your own success.

You’re procrastinating
“There’s always tomorrow.” We all have said this phrase at one point or another, but the fact is that none of us know what tomorrow will bring. Something unexpected may come up that will prevent us from getting done what we didn’t accomplish the day before. The longer we put things off, the harder it is to actually buckle down and cross tasks off the list. You are the only one that can control the pace in which you work and the amount you choose to get done.

You’re scared of taking risks
Who doesn’t love staying in their comfort zone? It’s a scary thing to step outside the box and try something new. Most of us love that feeling of knowing what we can expect and playing it safe. But, until you make that leap and take risks, you may never reach your full potential.

You’re afraid of success
Although we look forward to the idea of accomplishing what we set out to do, many of us fear what will happen when we get there. Once you reach that level of success, a lot more will likely be expected of you, and that’s a frightening thought. Running with the pack is comfortable, but once you push forward and stand out on your own, all eyes are on you. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to reach my goal,” and if the answer is truly yes, then it’s time to look ahead and stop standing in your own way.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details