3 ways you’re wasting your time in the office

We’ve talked before about the need to better manage your time when you’re at the office. You do your research, make a schedule, and look for your weak spots. But just what are those week spots? Here are three ways you keep wasting your time at the office…

You treat the symptoms instead of the problem: There’s something not quite right about a process in your credit union. Are you repeatedly putting duct tape over it instead of replacing it? While you may think your solution is an easy one, is it really the right one? Find solutions to problems that are going to get down to the root of the problem and not cause you or your staff to have to waste any more time correcting it.

You try to multi-task too often: Multi-tasking isn’t the answer. If you can keep your brain focused on one task at a time, you’ll get through each task as efficiently as you possibly can. Don’t let your to-do list keep you unfocused all day. Go down your list and knock everything out quickly and effectively.

You schedule dumb meetings: Okay, some meetings are actually good meetings. But how many times have you left a meeting and then thought to yourself: “That should have been an email.” Before scheduling a meeting, make a list of everything you want to cover and what you need to say about it. Then, take a look at your list and decide if it really needs to be said face-to-face or if it can be effectively conveyed through an email. You’ll often save not only your own valuable time, but your staff’s as well.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details