4 things that are killing your home’s resale value

If you’re looking to sell your home, you want to do whatever you can to increase your home’s value before putting it on the market. So what’s going on with your house that might be working against you? Here are four things that might be doing just that…

You’re doing too much: You know replacing those old countertops with some new granite ones is always a great idea, but don’t get carried away with the rest of your house. You might think more upgrades equals a higher resale value, but that’s not always true. Buying a house is an investment, and if a potential buyer doesn’t see a way to further increase the value of your home, they might not be too quick to make an offer.

You messed with the garage: It may have been your dream to turn your garage into the perfect home office, but a potential buyer may not feel the same way. Don’t change up a great feature of your home if you know that there’s a chance it won’t go over well with anyone looking to purchase your home.

Your neighbors are the worst: You can’t really control your neighbors, but you can do your best to compensate for any harm they’re causing in your quest to sell your home. If they’ve got an unsightly backyard, think about putting in a privacy fence before you let your realtor start taking pictures of your property.

Your pets aren’t helping: Pets are great for making us happy, but maybe a little rough on our homes. While your dog probably hasn’t eaten an entire door, You’ll probably find a lot of tiny evidence that a pet is living on the premises. Go over your home with a fine-tooth comb and find what needs to be replaced and what can be easily covered up with a fresh coat of paint.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details