4 tips for buying your first home

The search for your first home can be stressful. Finding the right one is no cakewalk. You look at dozens of houses and neighborhoods, trying to find the perfect fit. And that’s only half the battle. There’s so much to do besides finding the house, and it can make you go crazy. If you’re looking to buy your first home, here are some tips to help you through the process.

Have a good grasp on your credit: Your credit score is of the upmost importance when trying to buy your first home. It can drastically effect your interest rate and even prevent you from getting the loan altogether. Make sure you credit is in good shape before you start the journey to purchasing your first home.

Figure out how much home you can afford: Imagining yourself in the empty mansion across town is fun, but let’s be realistic. Look at your budget, find out how much extra money you have at the end of each month (add your rent to this total) and you’ll have a good idea of what kind of mortgage payment you can handle. If you’re going from an apartment to your new house, remember to factor in the difference in utilities, taxes, insurance and any unexpected expenses that could pop up along the way.

Sort out the needs and wants: It’s good to make a list of the things you NEED to have in your new house, and the things you WANT to have in your new house. When buying your first home, it’s important to remember that you’re not necessarily buying your dream home. You can definitely find a home that meets a lot of the criteria on your checklist, but know you may have to give up a few of your wants in order to find a home that’s affordable for you right now.

Find the right realtor: Your realtor’s job is to help you out on this nerve-wracking journey and make the process as easy for you as they can. Pick a realtor who makes you feel comfortable and knows what they’re doing. If they don’t seem to care about meeting your needs, find someone who will.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details