5 signs that it’s time to quit your job

There are good days and there are bad days in every job, no matter how awesome or awful your job is. But when the bad days start outnumbering the good ones, how do you know that it’s time to do something else? Here are a few signs that it’s time to quit your job.

You’re always complaining about it: If I were to ask your friends how you felt about your job, what would they say? Would they say that you don’t seem to like it very much? You’re not a fan of your coworkers? If you’ll take a minute and ponder the things you’ve said about your job to those you confide in, you’ll probably get a good idea of how you really feel about it.

You hate waking up in the morning: Sure, for us night owls the morning is never exactly AWESOME, but what about when you find yourself lying in bed dreading the morning ahead? This may be a sign that it’s time you dust off and update your resume.

You’re always tired: You’ve tried sleeping in on the weekends, and you still don’t feel refreshed. Maybe you’re not physically worn out. Maybe it’s an emotional or mental feeling that’s causing you to feel drained all the time. If you know those feelings are stemming from work issues, then you can bet that your job is wearing on you. This could be a sign that it’s time to look elsewhere for employment.

You don’t get along with anyone at work: If you don’t really like anyone, anywhere, that’s probably a personal issue. But if you’re simply having trouble connecting with your coworkers or your boss, it may be a sign of unhappiness in your current job. Think about what it would be like to not walk in those doors every morning, and see what that does for your attitude.

You’re bored: If you’re bored at work, you’re either overqualified or you’re having trouble finding value in your job responsibilities. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s probably time to start looking for a more fulfilling career.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details