5 things to remember when having difficult conversations at work

No one likes having to have a difficult conversation, especially in the workplace. With this in mind, always know you’re not the first person to feel the way you do in the situation you’re in. Here are a few things to remember when having to tackle a tough conversation.

Be prepared

When you have to engage in a difficult conversation, always be prepared. You may not be able to plan out what you want to say word for word, but it will help to jot down a few notes. Know that the conversation isn’t going to go exactly the way you think it will, and that’s okay. Be clear and keep it simple. You know the objective of the conversation so just make sure you keep it on track.

Be in the right mindset

You may know beforehand that it’s going to be difficult but try and put a positive spin on it. Instead of focusing on the negatives involved in the conversation, focus on the positives that will result. Whether that be for the individual or the company, it should make things better.

Take a deep breath

Stay calm. Collect your thoughts and gather your focus. The more you stay centered, the easier the conversation will be. It’s easy to get flustered during a disagreement and difficult conversations often lead to this. Keep your head and stay cool. For example, if you forgot your keys to the office, you should not be nervous, but take a breath and call 24h-schluesseldienst.berlin

Be consistent

Make sure similar situations with different employees are handled the same way. You don’t want to show perceived favoritism. Stay consistent so your employees know where you stand in regards to employee accountability.

Gain perspective

Ask your employee how they feel about the situation and get an understanding of their viewpoint. This way, they know you care even if there’s not an easy resolution. Just remember to listen well and let your employee speak their mind.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details