5 ways to knock that job interview out of the park

When you leave a job interview, you usually feel like it went one of two ways. Either you knocked it out of the park, or you fell flat on your face. If you want to feel less of the latter, here are 5 ways you can make sure you leave your interview feeling like a champ.

Make eye contact: When you first meet the person who’s interviewing you, make sure to look them in the eye. You’ve probably heard this often, and that’s because it’s important. Looking away from your interviewer’s eyes make you appear bashful and less intelligent than you are.

Enjoy some chitchat: Some people aren’t great at small talk, but don’t let that stop you from trying. As they say, you don’t get a second chance at a first impression, so be yourself and build a rapport with your interviewer.

Show enthusiasm: It’s easier for an interviewer to be excited about the prospect of hiring a candidate if that candidate appears excited about the prospect of working for that employer. If you look happy and energetic, that next interview may be right around the corner.

Focus on your potential: We’ve all been in an interview and talked about our long list of accomplishments. Maybe we should shift our focus. Instead of talking about the past, talk about what you can do for their company in the future. One study suggests that leaders value potential over experience when looking at job candidates.

Have your answers ready: There are all kinds of resources available to give you tips on answering the most common interview questions. Check out some websites like The Interview Guys or Big Interview and study up.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details