Anybody want a pizza?

What credit unions can take away from Pizza Hut’s latest rebranding initiative.

by: Erik Payne

Pizza Hut took a swing at capturing the taste buds of the millennial generation on November 19 when it rebranded its website and logo and introduced a slew of new pizza flavors. The 56-year-old chain intends to show the 20-something age demographic that it is hip to their ways.

Pizza might just be the country’s most popular food. A full 25% of the world’s cheese is destined to end up between crust and sauce. One in eight Americans consume pizza on any given day, equating to approximately 100 acres of the stuff consumed every day by Americans, according to the Department of Agriculture. It’s no surprise the competition over pizza market share can get hotter than a brick oven.

Callahan writer Drew Grossman threw down the cheesy gauntlet on Twitter when he expressed skepticism over what credit unions could learn from Pizza Hut’s move.

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