The latest from Anthony Demangone

- by Anthony Demangone, NAFCU

Change your credit union’s point of view

A number of my colleagues and I were in a meeting recently.  Issue du jour?  Did a third-party product make sense for NAFCU and its member credit unions? We chatted ...

- by Anthony Demangone, NAFCU

Are you playing offense or defense?

It is a simple question about your organization’s collective mindset. Are you focused on protecting what you have, or on trying to seize new opportunities? The changes going on ...

- by Anthony Demangone, NAFCU

Five traps that can trip the best leaders

Intuition and the “gut instinct” play a role in our success. There’s no way around it. As we march through out careers, we accumulate bits and pieces of experience ...

- by Anthony Demangone, NAFCU

What is driving you?

There are days when work is exhilarating. The hours fly by in an instant. You tackle challenges. If some ask you if you liked your job, you’d grab them ...