The latest from Brian Wringer

- by Brian Wringer, iDiz Inc.

Brand? Website? Why not both?

We’ve built lots of credit union websites. And a while back we started noticing something interesting: many of our CU website projects took a slight detour to fix or ...

- by Brian Wringer, iDiz Inc.

Slaying the sludge monster

He’s covered in sticky tentacles of frustration, endless inescapable globs of pointless paperwork, ridiculous rules, and cruel barbs of rejection and fees. The Sludge Monster is clogging up your ...

- by Brian Wringer, iDiz Inc.

Saddle up the digital marketing monster

Digital Marketing is a huge, slippery, multi-armed beast, with tentacles reaching out in every direction. But if you can manage to grab hold and hang on, this powerful critter can ...

- by Brian Wringer, iDiz Inc.

Peace, love, and credit unions

“Hippie” values are back, and it’s time for credit unions to dig out those old tie-dyed tees and headbands and get ready to group-hug a whole new generation. Millennials (...