The latest from Pierluigi Stella

- by Pierluigi Stella, Network Box USA, Inc.

Yahoo Password Hack

by: Pierluigi Stella, Chief Technology Officer, Network Box USAA little while back, a Network Box USA customer received an email from a Yahoo account belonging to one of his colleagues.&...

- by Pierluigi Stella, Network Box USA, Inc.

The Great LinkedIn Leak

by: Pierluigi Stella, CTO of Network Box USA, Inc.Initially, LinkedIn was in denial.  Finally, they did the right thing; they admitted that something might have gone wrong, and ...

- by Pierluigi Stella, Network Box USA, Inc.

Cloud and Your Credit Union

by: Pierluigi Stella, CTO, Network Box USA, Inc.I was at a CU conference last week, listening to a discussion on cloud security when an examiner (on the panel of ...