Changing Cores Doesn’t Have to Change Everything. Or Should It?

Change is constant.  That’s especially apparent in today’s core banking platform space.  The recent acquisitions in the marketplace will undoubtedly encourage some credit unions to explore changing core providers.

I don’t have to tell anyone that changing a core isn’t exactly a small undertaking. Converting from an existing core banking platform, or even just upgrading, is a major project that impacts the entire credit union. It’s like telling your 4-year-old there is no Santa Claus-you don’t want to even think about doing it.

However, credit unions are using the merger and acquisition activity as an opportunity to re-evaluate their core systems. Many of them are finding that the cost and time involved in a new system is outweighing the cost of staying with the status quo.

What does this technology shift mean for the other systems credit unions use?

The questions I’m getting from credit unions are all along the lines of:  “If I change my core, can I still integrate my existing document management with the new system?” The answer depends on whether they have document imaging from their core provider or an independent enterprise content management (ECM) solution. For those using their core provider’s solution, if they change their core, they have to rethink document management, too.

But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. If credit unions are up against a wall with a core provider’s document imaging component when they switch cores (or have to consolidate and share content from multiple acquired credit unions), it might be time to consider an independent ECM solution that can grow and evolve with other technology improvements. With it will not only come more flexibility, but better workflow, automated retention schedules and more compliance support.

While all the acquisition in the core provider market is causing many credit unions to take another look at their core, long-term it makes sense to also consider how to evolve their content management strategy. Credit unions are growing and changing, and making sure they’re investing in an independent ECM solution that can grow and change with them is imperative. Credit unions can’t afford to have their member data held captive in silos.

Michelle Harbinak Shapiro

Michelle Harbinak Shapiro

Michelle Shapiro has more than a 15 years of experience in the banking industry to her role as Financial Services Industry Expert at Hyland Software. Her mission is to share ... Web: Details