Theran Colwell
Risk Management Director CUNA Mutual Group -
Steve Comer
Credit Union Industry Manager Hyland Software -
Rob Comfort
President CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI) -
Roger Conant
CUTweetTrack -
Greg Conant
VP - Treasury Consultant Tru Treasury -
Asha Connors
Chief Services Officer Trellance -
Jamie Conrad
SVP of Debit and Credit Cards Envisant -
Robert Conrad
Treasury Operations Manager Tru Treasury -
Holly Conte
Consulting Analyst PSCU -
Patrick Conway
President & CEO CrossState Credit Union Association -
Celeste Cook
Founder and President/CEO cuStrategies, LLC -
Sarah Cooke
Principal Cooke Consulting Solutions -
Ancin Cooley
Founder and Principal Synergy Credit Union Consulting, Inc. -
Patty Corkery
President/CEO Michigan Credit Union League and CUSG -
Mike Corn
CEO & Co-Founder CU Realty Services -
Victor Miguel Corro
CEO Coopera -
Chris Corse
Director, Strategic Partnerships & Corporate Development Co-op Solutions -
Jamie Cosgrove
VP of Financial Services Podium -
Laura Costello
Director of Marketing Saylent -
Chris Cote
Compliance Officer SWBC -
Sara Cottle
Operations Manager Chippewa County Credit Union -
Matthew Court
EVP of Sales - Portfolio Analytics nCino -
Scott Cowan
Vice President of Marketing Millennial Vision -
Stan Cowan
Senior Solutions Marketing Manager D+H