Consumers need branches, and branches need advanced technology to stay affordable

Alogent closely follows shifts in bank and credit union branching, especially declining branch transaction volumes, increasing staffing costs, and the resulting need for ever-greater efficiency in transaction workflows.

Our recent white paper, Investing in Teller/Front Counter Capture, updates recent data on one important of the branching equation: the true cost of image capture technology. You can download our paper to read about life cycle costs you may not have considered—or reconsidered lately.

A new study that supports our conclusions is now available from Kronos. The FMSI 2017 Teller Line Study is based on over 15 million teller transactions at banks and credit unions across the U.S. It focuses on staffing strategies—which they call human capital management—for your branching plans. Their detailed productivity recommendations are definitely worth a look.

The study’s twin 26-year trendlines paint a vivid picture.

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