Branding opportunities occur at the strangest places.
While shopping at an estate sale this past Saturday I encountered a miniature house that had been given away by my local credit union. Upon closer inspection I simply had to purchase it.
It cost me a quarter.
Turns out, it was more than a house - much more.
One end of the house resembled a giant billboard. This was the branding opportunity.
Take a look at this neat little house handed out by the marketing folks at Golden1 Credit Union, headquartered in Sacramento while serving customers throughout the state.
My initial thought was that it must have been used during a mortgage loan or equity line of credit promotion several years ago during the housing go-go years - now better known as the housing bubble.
Upon closer inspection I discovered it is actually a handy measuring tape - one measuring 36 inches. The purpose of the little red button at the top of the chimney is to release the metal measuring tape once it’s been pulled from the house for measuring purposes.