Digital experience + your CU: A relationship worth perfecting with Jeff Keltner

Let’s talk digital experience. Specifically—why is it so essential for the success of your financial institution? We’ve all got a general idea on how to answer that, but perhaps the details are a tiny bit fuzzy.

That’s where Jeff Keltner comes in. As Senior VP of Business Development at Upstart, he offers a lot of fantastic insight into the how/what/why behind the right kind of digital transformation for your FI. And he shares top tips—this week on CRMNEXT’s Banking on Experience podcast.

What’s Covered?

Defining “digitizing legacy processes.”

One of the most insightful comments Jeff once heard from a colleague was this: All digital transformation has to start with a process re-structure. Because, as he says, “If you don’t, then you end up what I have described as digitizing a legacy process—where you just kind of do the same thing you used to do but with a new coat of paint that’s digital.”


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