Does your overdraft program spread joy?

This time of year offers up a special sort of chaos for many: lots of celebrating with friends and family, along with lots of spending in a short amount of time. Believe it or not, a well-managed overdraft program can help spread holiday joy. Does yours?

Nearly 75% of Americans say they often fail to budget adequately for the holidays, and last year the average holiday debt totaled $1,054. It’s just a fact: it can be difficult to keep up with the many payments made at various locations at this time of year. Your account holders may think they’ve got an expense covered. But if they forgot about a previous purchase they made in the midst of a hectic workweek and festive activities it could create a not-so-positive experience for them.

Undisclosed, Algorithm-Based Overdraft

An undisclosed overdraft program can steal joy left and right—potentially making a negative impact in terms of service.

Bills to pay? Not knowing their limits, account holders can’t rely on a safety net if they need to pay an essential bill before a paycheck clears.


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