Driving change through communication

My organization is preparing to host our Annual Conference next week – which is all about equipping our members with the trends and strategies needed to take their institution into the future. One of the challenges leaders often face is how to tackle change in order to stay relevant and grow. In addition to having the awareness of where we’re headed, it’s important to communicate your vision for change with employees.

Business consultant Robert Ford writes that the worries of change – moving from what’s known and safe, which can hold people back – can be overcome by effective communication from the top. Here are five tips to help you get your team on board:

  1. Create a leadership communication mandate that connects me, inspires me and tells me what I should do. As the CEO or president, your organization is driven by your vision. An opportunity for change that excites you needs to do the same for your employees. You need their buy-in, otherwise they’ll be reluctant to move forward with you.
  2. Address the past as well as the present and future. Let your team know how this change will drive your organization to success. Acknowledge what’s worked well – and what hasn’t – and how this new approach will accentuate where you excel.


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