Finish strong in your credit union

The importance of paying attention to yourself!

Did you blink?  If you’re like most of us, it may feel that way.  How it got to be the fourth quarter with the bulk of the year behind us already (again) is mind boggling – right?  And your planning for next year’s events is in full swing! Remember all those promises and resolutions made WAY back in the beginning of the year?  Yeah. About those.  It’s time to check in. Where are you?  On track? Off track? Trying to find your running shoes?  I get you.

Finishing STRONG is a passion of mine. It’s my personal mantra. It’s even the name of one of my Pinterest boards! (Go figure!) It’s about digging in and making the most of every minute now isn’t it?  Not boo-hoo-ing over what’s NOT done or NOT in your control but celebrating where you are and what you can seriously get done with the time left in the year when you’re FOCUSED on what’s in front of you.

There it is.  As a leadership expert and keynote speaker, this is the time of year when corporate event clients and Credit Unions are asking me to include some real-world, really actionable ways to help their team members to FINISH STRONG. Sure, they usually mean to help folks re-focus on financial targets and activities that will help people achieve their goals, which is great, and I certainly do.  But for today’s exercise? Let’s do this. Let’s talk about FINISHING STRONG personally as well.  What does THAT look like to you?

To me? That’s celebrating physical and mental strength. The kind that excites you to hop out of bed every morning and stay at it. (Even when holiday party invites are flooding in or you’re questioning the decision to try the egg nog.)

If you are like me and want to absolutely grab the most from this quarter then tap into these three power strategies to help you feel ah-mazing and focus your attention on what really matters to you:

Invest 15 minutes:  I know; I ALWAYS say that.  Why?  Because it WORKS. Each day, invest 15 minutes in YOURSELF.  What that looks like is up to you. Meditation for mental strength. Or a walk after dinner with a loved one for a great exercise/connection combo. 10-minute quick calls with a mentor or team member with a 5 minute “download” to stay close to the goals.  The practice is personal to you, just make sure you are putting YOU on the to-do list every day for 15 minutes. It’s a smart investment for a healthier, happier, more successful you, I promise.

Love the way you MOVE:  Exercise.  Ugh-right? I admit, it used to be at the BOTTOM of my list too (and I know some of you out there are thinking – hey – SWEATER weather!) Here’s the trick though: find something you LOVE. Don’t roll your eyes. There is always SOMETHING. For me? I discovered running a few years ago and I’m HOOKED. Then? I caught wind of Barre3 and became addicted. I don’t mind insanely early morning classes or long weekend runs because it’s something I love to do. Find what you love to do that will get your body moving.

Make it happen.  Right there. In the calendar. You know the one, with the doctor’s appointments and member meetings and super-important can’t miss stuff?  Put your time down as a solid must-do because the truth is? If you don’t make an appointment with yourself, you are likely to cancel. Need accountability? Hire a coach. I have a running coach and I meet him twice a week. It gets me out of bed in the dark and when I completed in my workout I have no regrets. Look at it this way… YOU are the only YOU that you’ve got. That your family has. Your partner has. Your Credit Union has.  Want to lead a long, full, happy and successful life? Don’t neglect the one person you’re going to spend every moment with:  YOU. Prioritize yourself.

That’s it. Three little things.  They might not seem so little initially. They might feel a little out of your comfort level. And honestly? They might feel a little selfish. Let’s clear that up. Self-care? Self-focus?  Self-prioritizing?  Is smart business. It’s the key to being a better parent, team member, partner and person.  When we take care of ourselves we’re better equipped to take care of the rest of our worlds. So what do you say? Ready to FINISH STRONG?

Want more ideas on how to finish the last quarter strong, you might like this video and blog.

Neen James

Neen James

Think force of nature. Boundless energy. Timely topics. Laugh out loud fun. Eye opening ideas. Take-aways that ACTUALLY create positive change.  Sound like what YOU’RE looking for? Then Motivational ... Web: Details