Free infographics for millennials you can brand & share

Being a credit union marketer is tough. Your resources are limited and there just never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. We know the feeling and have had your back with our growing library of free postcard designs and letter copy for a while.

But now, we’ve gone one step further.

I’ve personally been monitoring Credit Union Facebook and Twitter feeds on a daily basis for the past few months. One thing is clear, graphics and images are king across social channels. The problem is that interesting graphics take time to research and build. And we thought that you could use some free content to share with your Facebook fans and Twitter followers.

So we made you some.

With this initial batch of five free millennial infographics, we’ve taken stats from the Internet and turned them into shareable graphics for any credit union’s social channels. We’re calling them “shareables,” and they are totally free. One of our very own millennials, and my fellow marketer – Serra, researched and designed these gems based on financial topics she knows millennials want to know more about.

Click here to download them all.

We made these “shareables” for you, the credit union marketer, and with you in mind. They’ve been designed and built so that you can easily put your logo on them in the bottom left hand corner and share them on your social channels with YOUR branding. We even sized them to fit Twitter and Facebook perfectly, so you wouldn’t have to do it. We get that it’s difficult feeding the social media beast on a daily basis. It’s always hungry and content is king. We’re just trying to make things a little easier.

Here’s a sample of what you can find by clicking through to the whole set.

Again, we would like to cordially invite you to download a week’s worth of millennial infographics just like the one above, so that you may add your logo to them and push them out on your social channels. This isn’t a gimmick. There are no strings attached, I promise. If we get a good response, we may even make more.

Let us know what you think.

Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Chris Hall is very fond of the Internet and enjoys all aspects of digital marketing. He leads the inbound marketing and customer development efforts at Onovative, a company that believes ... Web: Details