Gen Z and smartphones: 5 facts your credit union needs to know

Forget billboards, TV commercials or ad spreads in the newspaper — today’s teens and twenty-somethings have their eyes glued to their smartphones, and marketing teams across the country are quickly adjusting to the fact.

Not quite convinced that your financial institution should invest in smartphone marketing? Here are four facts you should know about the youngest generation’s love affair with their mobile devices:

More than any other generation, Gen Z is constantly connected. Gen Z spends an average of 4 hours and 15 minutes on their mobile devices every day. For comparison, the average American spent 2 hours and 48 minutes a day watching television, 1 hour and 11 minutes eating and drinking, and 10 minutes reading in 2019.

Gen Zers are digital natives. The reason Gen Z is more connected than any other generation? They’ve been immersed in the digital world since childhood. Most Gen Zers had a smartphone as their first phone — and 84 percent of teens in 2018 expected to buy an Apple iPhone as their next mobile device.


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