Which generation do you think I’m referencing? Millenials? Gen Y? (which seems to have been absorbed into the former, sadly) Baby Boomers?
All of them.
It doesn’t matter how old you are; if you’re reading this, you know what I mean. When you were younger, people your parent’s age proclaimed, “kids these days have it so easy.” I bet you heard them continue, “they’re entitled, don’t want to work hard like we did, and just look at everything as a way to have fun! The world and workplace will never be the same.” I’m pretty sure this was followed by a, “get off my lawn!” and an exasperated, “garumph.” An Egyptian tomb dating back thousands of years had an inscription (paraphrased): “We live in a decaying age. Young people no longer respect their parents. They are rude and impatient. They frequently inhabit taverns and have no self control.”
Put aside the leaps in technology and communication/connectedness for a moment. How different, really, is any generation from another? Each wishes to make their mark, improving quality of life while minimizing labor. The Baby Boomers looked to their parent’s generation. A group of people which fought in two world wars, struggled through a global depression, and still managed to settle down into the largest growth spurt of human history. Then, they provided an unmatched quality of life for their families. What do you think one of such history would say after seeing the first hippie?