How to get BIG results from your strategic planning session

Effective strategic planning events are one of the main differentiators between underperforming credit unions and healthy, growing credit unions. However, making an event effective requires more than simply showing up and putting some dreams on paper.

Before diving into the best practices that growth-minded credit unions follow, let’s make two things clear. First, this is the most important meeting that will be on your calendar all year. Done well, it will set the stage for accomplished goals and explosive growth. Second, there’s a considerable amount of nuance and customization to each strategic planning event. While we follow a successful, time-tested format, the real secret sauce to success can’t be boiled down to ten rigid steps on a checklist.

During a meeting, a skilled strategic planning facilitator will know when to prod, poke, drill down, zoom out, press, or pivot to meet the dynamic needs of the leadership team. A professional facilitator will also ask the right questions ahead of time, questions that allow them to customize the content of the meeting to deliver the maximum actionable value.

With that said, here are some best practices I use to help you get BIG results from your annual credit union strategic planning meeting:


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