How to get through uncertainty

We’re now in the fourth quarter of 2020. As we reflect on the year, where we – and our organizations – are now is likely lightyears away from where we thought we would be in January. The coronavirus pandemic made our initial annual plans irrelevant, dramatically changed our business operations, and is continuing to alter our plans for the future.

Add to that environment a fast-approaching, contentious presidential election and we’ve got a lot of uncertainty.

Uncertainty weighs heavy on all of us. It’s hard to know what to do next when circumstances are changing so quickly. Axios Future writer Bryan Walsh acknowledges that people “are a future-focused species that feels happiest when we think we can plan for and shape our tomorrow. Take that away, and the result can be crippling anxiety.”

To help overcome the stress of uncertainty, Walsh has a “guide” using strategic foresight, which requires us to plan for several possible futures and outcomes. I’ve previously shared a similar sentiment, encouraging fellow leaders to build “What if?” agendas that challenge assumptions, leave you prepared to handle worst-case scenarios, and encourage innovation.


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