How you can increase website conversions with repetition

According to consumer behavior studies, the average consumer needs to see an ad at least three times to remember the product or brand. When a consumer first reads your message, they might just skim over it. The second time they might pay a bit more attention. It’s only by the third time that it actually starts to stick.

So the idea that you should have only one call to action (CTA) per page on your credit union website is a costly myth. Your CTA should be used liberally to maximize its impact. After all, the more CTAs present, the more chances a user has to convert.

A test on GoodUI found an 84% increase in conversions simply by adding more calls to action to the page.The control page only had CTAs at the top of the page and converted at just 7%. The variation page added repeated CTAs to the bottom of the page and converted at 12.8%.


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