HR Answers: How can credit unions stand out to top talent?

Three ways to highlight the benefits of working at your organization.

As the smaller, not-for-profit siblings of financial industry giants, it’s no surprise that winning the hiring competition can feel daunting. Credit unions have fewer resources than many other institutions, and it can be confusing to figure out how to make the case to top talent that they should opt for a lower salary at your credit union compared to the one they’d get working for a big bank.

Thankfully, many job seekers are looking for more than just a paycheck. By highlighting the full array of benefits that come from working at your credit union, especially during this challenging time, you can set your organization up to win over the best and brightest talent.

Below we share three key strategies that can help your credit unions stand out to potential new hires in the war for talent. If you emphasize these things in your recruitment process, you’ll more accurately convey the full value that comes from working at your credit union and you’ll be a lot more likely to get the kind of talent that your company needs to thrive.


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