HR Answers: How to present a job offer to your preferred candidate

6 best practices for ensuring your ideal applicant becomes a valued employee.

The work of searching for job candidates for your credit union can be grueling. You need to put out the call, sift through resumes, hold in-person interviews and narrow down the field. Once you’ve chosen your preferred candidate, it’s essential that you close the deal—if not, you might end up back at square one. This short guide will help you land your perfect candidates once you’ve found them.

Act Fast

You’ve discovered the ideal candidate—she has all the skills you want and a lot of experience in the credit union industry. She has a great personality, and you’re sure she’ll get along wonderfully with your team. You wonder how you got so lucky.

The truth is, you probably didn’t.

High-quality applicants know their worth. That means they’ll almost always be applying to more than one position at once. They have the luxury of being able to choose the career path that’s most appealing to them. When you decide which candidate you want to hire, contact them immediately and schedule an interview—within a couple of days, when possible. Be sure of one thing: Other companies have their eye on that candidate, too.


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