HR Answers: Stay. Engage. Grow.

Retain your credit union’s best employees by providing meaningful development opportunities.

For employers large and small, the employee retention struggle is real. While throwing money at the problem may seem like a logical solution, we know modern employees value purpose, growth and impact more than fat paychecks (because our team asked 600+ workers what mattered most to them).

The common thread—and biggest opportunity—for keeping employees around? Professional development.

To better understand the current state of development in the workplace, we enlisted The Harris Poll to conduct a national survey of 1,433 full-time employees as well as HR decision-makers from 310 organizations.

Survey Says: Employees Are From Mars, Employers Are From Venus

Based on their answers, these two groups of survey respondents didn’t seem like they were from the same companies or even the same planet. Highlights include:


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