Innovation Spotlight – Discernment is key in solution selection

Innovation – everyone wants it. And when talking about it, we are all prone to a heightened state of suggestibility, as if everything we see and hear has potential worth considering. But how then can we balance nuanced appreciation for what’s “new,” with honest regard for what’s necessary? And who within a company is watching for it, creating it or rallying for it?

PSCU’s Innovation Spotlight session at this year’s Member Forum provided insight on this topic, and we’re sharing today a few of the highlights from that discussion.

Credit unions in attendance were provided an opportunity to hear about some of the newest innovations in the financial services marketplace. Additionally, they listened in as we detailed the factors that PSCU considers when mapping out future solutions for our Owners. The goal of the session was to introduce credit unions to the innovations that hold the greatest promise for overall growth, and to show how PSCU’s partnership with Mastercard’s Start Path program helps us evaluate the effectiveness of solutions. The overall objective? To give our Owners the best possible solution options to choose from.


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