Inside Marketing: Do you PESO?

How credit unions can invigorate their PR and marketing initiatives with a comprehensive media strategy.

When it comes to public relations and marketing, everyone is looking for the big secret to successful initiatives—especially in this unique time where many organizations are either slashing their budgets, canceling campaigns or looking at their current programs differently to be efficient in both communication results and cost effectiveness.

Instead of focusing too much on individual marketing initiatives, credit union executives must realize that the true power of communications and media lies in integrating all tactics into a powerful unified strategy that not only enhances a brand but drives sales and member retention. The best part is that these strategies rely on building and distributing strong content that can still be created by your team remotely while addressing COVID-19 needs.

One easy way to think of media is to understand the channels it occupies—just remember PESO, an integrated framework for planning PR and communications strategies.

Let’s break down the PESO model and how credit unions can best incorporate these practices into their communications initiatives:


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