Iterate, then do it again, for better project management

How agile project management has helped WSECU work smarter, faster, and better.

Project management at WSECU($3.0B, Olympia, WA) has taken a sharp turn in the past year.

Before the fall of 2018, the credit union would identify a new or improved product or service and, at the onset of each development project, create a strict step-by-step structure for stakeholders to follow. That linear methodology is known as “waterfall.”

In this methodology, the credit union can departmentalize projects, set schedules, evaluate projects as they move through phases one by one, and more. There’s a lot to be said for the level of control waterfall offers; however, there are also limits to the approach.

“We found we either weren’t getting things done quickly enough, or we were working on too many things at once,” says Paul Kirkbride, the credit union’s chief credit officer. In addition, the transformation to agile was made, in part, to improve the overall member experience.


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