Leaders in Lending | Ep. 61: Where AI meets finance – Upstart hosts ‘boosted’ in San Francisco

“We should remember to always look back at ourselves and realize the power of what we can do if we push the ball forward,” said Dave Girouard, Upstart’s Co-Founder and CEO at Upstart’s inaugural event, boosted.

boosted was Upstart’s first annual conference to spur discussion around the future of AI and finance. Jeff Keltner, Senior Vice President of Business Development, gave an insider view on what took place at boosted, including the line-up of A-list speakers in the FinTech space.

boosted: An intimate conversation where AI meets finance

Over two hundred industry leaders gathered to participate in groundbreaking discussions regarding the future of lending. Keltner explains the intentional limitations on attendance, highlighting the purpose of the event’s design: to promote energy, enthusiasm and engagement.


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