Leaders: What to say…

Everyone in a leadership position wants to be a good leader. In order to be the leader that your team needs, you need to connect with them both personally and professionally. Here are some things you shouldn’t be afraid to say if you want to gain your team’s trust and respect.

“Here’s what’s going on…”:Employees don’t like being in the dark. If there is an ongoing situation, they will eventually find out about it, so getting out in front of it will allow you to control the narrative. Be open and honest, let your team know what the situation is, and tell them what you’re going to do about it.

“What’s your opinion?”:By asking your team for ideas and opinions, you’ll gain their trust and give them a since of value. You may not always get the response you’re expecting, and that’s not a bad thing.

“Don’t sweat it”:If an employee makes a little mistake and takes complete ownership of it before you’ve even been made aware that it happened, brush it off. If they were honest about screwing up, there’s nothing you can say that they haven’t already said to themselves. By letting it go, you’ll show that you have trust in your team and your employees won’t be living in fear.

“Can I lend a hand?”:When you show a desire to help your team succeed, you’ll gain a lot of respect. By giving your team the tools and assistance they need, you’ll be able to help maximize your team’s productivity and that’s good for the whole company.

“It’s my fault.”:It’s not always easy to admit mistakes when you’re the boss. But when you do, you’ll definitely be respected for it. Next time you know you’re at fault, you’ll easily impress your team if you can be humble enough to say so.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details